Oshiana has the Experienced project management team for the project planning and to install Ballast water treatment system (BWTS) Plant while vessel at In-Service / Dy Dock. All the essential pipe spools are pre-fabricated and assembled on the site.
Invasive Aquatic Species in ship’s ballast water is one of the biggest
problems faced by the shipping industry. Under IMO’s “International
Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments”, implementation of ballast water management plan and
ballast water treatment system on board ships has thus become
All vessels are now required to manage their ballast water and
sediments in accordance with the Convention and Biosecurity Act.

That is where the real need of the BWTS system. This means that
there is limited Inservice experience for the systems being offered
and there is a general understanding that no single system is
suitable for all ship types.
Oshiana provides solutions for all major makers. engineers in
Oshiana have trained to survey and design the major treatment
systems available in market such as UV, Electrolytic system and
Chemical injunction system.

Mechanical Installation
Oshiana will provide the retrofit guide & method of statement for the efficient & effective way to install the BWTS plant and associated pipelines, Valves, Instruments, foundation and ancillary pipeline (FW, SW cooling line & Instrument Air). Site run / field weld pipe spools investigated and installed according the BWTS flow diagram.

Electrical Installation
Power cable, Control Cable, Communication cables laying to be carried out between the Ship system, Electrical panels and BWTS equipment. Existing cable ladder/tray will be used wherever applicable. Necessary terminal box & cable penetration will be done on site as per marine standard.

Oshiana takes the responsibility to carried out the inspection & testing for the furnished works by us such as mechanical / electrical function check. Oshiana will assist BWTS maker for the final commissioning.