oshiana’s basic engineering inclusive of:
- Ballast System Piping Schematic
- BWTS Equipment location mark up
- Conceptual pipe routing.
- Flow Analysis for conceptional modelling.
- Electrical Single Line Drawing.
- Electric Load Analysis.
- Ancillary Considerations.
General description
Maritime Industry is now compelled to comply the regulation imposed buy IMO for the years to come. As per the Imo guideline, all vessels must be fitted with the ballast water treatment system (BWTS) to treat the water to minimize the ecological impact due to pumping out the contaminated water to the open sea. The discharge of ballast water from ships is a main vector for introducing exotic species. That is where the necessity of the engineering to help the owners find the solution for the challenges, they faced comply the regulation for the BWTS.
There are many makers available to supply BWTS equipment, but how the vessel owners will chose which system is perfectly match for their vessels? it is the well-known fact that not all equipment or system may suitable for all type of vessels.
Oshiana Pte. Ltd. is a company with extensive experience in the design, project management and execution of large-scale retrofits, We can carry out the feasibility study with different verity of BWTS for your vessels
What is BWTS feasibility study and what it covers?
When owners think about to plan the installation of the BWTS into their vessel, feasibility not an unknown term. As the word indicate, BWTS Feasibility study is used to determine the viability study of a project. Such as ensuring the project technically feasible and economically justifiable to the ship owners. Careful selection of a treatment system can mitigate specific feasibility requirements. Usually feasibility study tells us whether a project is doable with the minimum resource used and its best way possible. The maintenance of the system, modification require for existing pipe routing for integration of the BWTS, require resources (such as manpower and the material), electrical consideration, ancillary consideration and the ease of the operation are the factors affecting the feasibility of the system when Oshiana’s design team chose the right system for the vessels.
There are several manufacturers of BWTS offering different treatment systems (UV systems, chemical injection systems & electrolytic system etc.) Before taking decision by looking at the different commercial offers by the manufacturer for BWTS equipment, be confident that the chosen ballast water treatment system and integration with the ship are fit for the intended operation. A well-designed study should offer a historical background of the projects as well as the durability of installation. Oshiana’s feasibility study covers all above stated factors by our engineers.
Selection of the BWTS without consideration all the known options may lead to the difficulty to maintain the system, sometimes risk for the crews involve in the operation. if the process is carried out in a systematic manner that aims for the most suitable solution may take one to two months, but for the special cases, timing can be reduced to by adding additional resources to the projects.
3D Laser scanning is a proven technology for creating an accurate beginning point for design. Placing the equipment in the processed scan data captured can identify the clashes or modification needed to the existing structure or piping. The later clashes are identified, the greater is the impact on the schedule and costs. Another important issue is the hauling plan. The system components are large, and hauling may not be possible via normal routes (existing access hatches). Modification may be required to the access hatched or to the hull to bring the equipment to the desired location.
Oshiana’s design team have experience in all the Major USCG approved BWTS systems (Such as Alfa Laval, DESMI, Techcross etc.) and this gives us an upper hand to perform the feasibility with different systems available in the market.
Based on the survey details and the 3D scan data captured, Oshiana will perform a feasibility study, where we assess the practicality of installing a BWTS (Ballast water treatment system) into the existing vessel and recommend a suitable BWT system for that vessel. Oshiana’s evaluation process is based on the BWTS equipment Footprint, Power consumption, Treatment rated capacities (TRC), Holding Time, Stripping operation, Consumable required, Filter pressure drop etc. After the completion of the evaluation process, Basic engineering will commence by using the selected technology for the vessel.